Wednesday – Saturday – 4/12/2023 – 4/15/2023


2 sets

3 min row @ 2:00/500m pace, directly into

Quadruped positional breathing with forearms on ground x 4-5 breaths @ 3152 tempo. push into protraction and slight thoracic flexion, and try to push arms into more shoulder flexion with each exhale as long as you can maintain good rib/pelvis orientation. goal here will be to try to breathe ‘into’ your upper back, filling the space between shoulder blades, and actually using the pressure to get some mobilization on T-spine


2 sets

3 min bike @ 300 watts, directly into

Supine overhead wall press positional breathing with hip flexion, 4-5 breaths @ 3152 tempo. apply some solid force into wall overhead, set rib cage down and pull tailbone off floor slightly. scoot very minimally away from wall as able to challenge.


2 sets

3 min ski @ 2:05/500m pace, directly into

Pronated grip foot assisted hang from pullup bar positional breathing, 4-5 breaths @ 3152 tempo. will mimic an overhead squat position, allow lats to relax and lengthen but keep rib cage down and butt tucked under.

Much easier today to hit the breathing protocol, 5 sec exhale still gives me that feeling of air hunger which i know it is supposed to do but i also felt i did a better job today of staying in rx numbers the whole time


Row 100m @ < 1:28

new set every 90 sec x 4



Ski 100m @ < 1:35

new set every 90 sec x 4

forgot to write down ski splits – but was around 19 seconds every time and finished sub 1:35 each interval

4/13 – OFF


PT work (external rotation isometric, wall slides, abduction isometrics)


A1 – Iso pin press x 15 sec of hard contraction, rest 15 sec

A2 – Band press in bench position x 15-18, rest 2 min x 4 sets

(just bands in hands for this, can wrap behind back before you lay down or can anchor down low on rig. just want to try to get a little resistance there but still allow for shoulder to sit in neutral position)

felt really good today – even snuck in some empty bb bench press before and after the pin press

B – 2 position halting Trap bar deadlift x 5, rest 2 min x 3 sets (2 sec pause 3 in off ground, and again at knee height. controlled lower to ground and reset, no TNG)


C – 2 position halting Trap bar deadlift x 3, rest 2 min x 3 sets

290×2, 300


E7MOM x 3 sets

Row 70 cals (progressive intensity, second 35 faster than first 35), directly into

20 front squats @ 155lbs

5:01 – 5:00 – 5:31


D – 190 russian swings @ 24kg, break when/as needed

So damn many


Class overlap


30 min zone 2 bike erg

A fun little power clean/burpee machine partner workout. Shoulder was a little tired after but think that was just some burpee volume. No issues and no problems with movements though. Still trending in the right direction

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