Monday – 5/8/2023


A – Double barrel front squats 8 sets of 4, all sets heavier than week 3 (4/10), rest 2 min

200×3-209×3-215×1-225×1 When does it end?????? And at least on week 3 I had 2-3 min rest. I had to go 3 minutes rest for the last 2 sets or else I’m not sure my legs would’ve been recovered enough. 225 got a little sloppy and very Grundy and definitely used the bounce out of the hole on rep 4. I’m surprised I haven’t had dreams about double barrels yet. (week 3 reference ->195x 3 205 x 4, 215 x 1)

B1 – Empty bar front rack paused squat just above parallel x 30 sec, rest 30 sec


B2 – Empty bar jumping back squats x 20, rest 3 min x 3 sets (partial ROM, narrower stance with toes forward)


C – 1-1/4 BB hip thrusts x 8, rest 2 min x 5 sets (similar load to last week)

245×1, 255×4 – the pad and the bench were the perfect set up to add a bit of weight from last week

D – Knee tucks from plank position with feet on slider/row seat x 15-18, rest 90 sec x 5 sets



Glute burnout

Banded hip abductions from seated – 35 reps leaning back + 35 reps sitting upright + 35 reps leaning forward. rest as needed x 2 sets


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