Tuesday 5/30/2023


Row 5 min with display on force curve, 20-22 strokes/min, easy effort



Row 100 cals @ progressive effort, faster every 25



For time


Row cals

Line facing burpees

12:33 – going into the the round of 20 cals on the rower, my rower wouldn’t turn on right away and then the monitor wouldn’t log any movement. I raised my hand but no judge came over to help me out. I lost i’d say 20sec to inactive screen and no movement logged. My goal was to push the pace on the row pretty hard but not at a sacrifice to lose high speed on the burpee. Pressing out became a mental limiter on the burpee and my low back felt a little tired. But overall i loved this fun little couplet


Bike erg 5k easy cooldown

Half bike half walk


5 min down regulation breathing


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