Wednesday 8/16/2023 – Monday 8/21/2013


Pec Rehab

1. Push-ups – variation on hand placement: 2-4 x 60s AMRAP, rest as needed.

*Reps do NOT need to be UB, just play with different hand positions so we can make sure we are getting different joint angles

2. Depth Drop Push-up: 3-4 x, rest 5-10s, rest 2 minutes.

3. Feet Supported / Band Supported Matador Dip Eccentric: 2-4 x 1.1.1, rest 5-10s b/t reps, rest 2 minutes.



EMOM x 16 (start at 160)

Mins 1-4: 3 power snatches

Mins 5-8: 3 power cleans (add load)

Mins 9-12: 1 squat snatch (same bar as power cleans)

Mins 13-16: 1 squat clean (add load)



1 strong front squat every 2 min x 4

*start at 265



GHD sorenson hold, 3 sets of 80 sec, rest as needed


8/17 – OFF




Ruck walk 45-60 min


3 min AMRAP:

10 Wall Facing Strict HSPU’s

15 Strict HSPU’s

AMRAP Kip HSPU’s in Remaining time

*All at 10″ x 30″ Line Standard

10 – I’m glad this was only one time through. I might have needed 10 minutes to recover and do it again. A few of the strict reps I fell off the wall and had to adjust my plan/strategy. Finished with 30sec seconds left and just stayed on the walk and fight for every rep. 


2 min AMRAP:

Max Distance Sandbag Bag Bearhug Carry

*25ft turnarounds, both feet must cross over line before turning around.

*Score is total distance counted in 5ft increments

64 i believe — 320 – started out with 150’ unbroken. Not sure that was the best decision for max distance but I didn’t want to pick it up again. 




12 Wallballs (20lbs to 10ft

10 TTB

8 Single arm Kettlebell Snatch (24kg) switch hands every 4 reps

5+16 ——- the snatches got slower every round, it was definitely the limiter, mentally and physically. My speed per rep slowed down and desire to pick it up right away slowed down as well. Wall ball and ttb were good. One thing I did really well today was fast (as fast as could be based on logistics) to wall ball and ttb. I want to slow down at one point but I didn’t because I knew I would with the bell. Did a boat load of double kb cleans yesterday and my wrist are a little sore right now so I just had to mentally block that out and endure 

8/20 – OFF


Every 8 min x 3 sets

Set 1: 21-15-9 of (Bike erg cals + Toes to bar)

Set 2: 21-15-9 of (Ski erg cals + 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50lbs)

Set 3: 21-15-9 of (Row cals + Line facing burpees)

3:20——4:50——5:1 i went pretty hard on the first one and then i felt like i couldn’t keep my foot on the gas pedal on the 2nd round of ski and on…..on the row/burpee – i also felt like i went too hard on the 21’s and when i hopped back on the rower i had no juice left


RMU str wk 2

A. 2-position jumping muscle ups x 12, rest as needed

*notice that the shoulders are still the highest point- then the hips (which are open!)

**3rd video:

B1. 15-20 sec. ribcage hold x4, rest as needed

*palms face out (the same position we want at the top of the pull)

**6th video in A

B2. 6-8 dip swings x4, rest as needed

*don’t worry about getting as much elevation as him- just work on getting comfortable in that catch position w/ some ring movement 

**2nd video in A

These felt pretty good today

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