Monday 062512

What a wonderful journey. Stay hungry, because the next chapter is starting soon. This week I want you guys to play around a little bit, have some fun, do more met-cons, work on skills that took a back seat for the past 12 weeks. This week will be somewhat of organized chaos in the programming. We are not going to start off of our new template pure training template for a while. However, starting next week we will be focusing on training for the Apocalypse held right here at Hard Nox. We will be going off of a template to prep for that.

In my eyes the sign of good programming shows me a couple of things; 1)if it’s CrossFit you will be good at it, 2)with proper loading and unloading you will be far from overtraining as long as you are eating well and getting good quality sleep. I am saying this because you all should be ready to get back into the groove, Bless The Gym, hands on the barbell and lift heavy. Be patient and reward yourself for all that you have acheived and the hard work you have put in.

We are going to lift and play this week, pull sled and push prowlers (if the rain ever stops). Stay hungry and be ready because it only gets better from here.

Today’s Met-Con
10 Hang Squat Cleans (165/115)
40 Dubz
8 Hang Squat Cleans (165/115)
40 Dubz
6 Hang Squat Cleans (165/115)
40 Dubz
4 Hang Squat Cleans (165/115)
40 Dubz
2 Hang Squat Cleans (165/115)
40 Dubz

heavy athletics
A. Push Press; 5-5-5-5-5
B. Glute-ham or reverse hyper or both

500m Row at about 75-80%

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