Monday 070212

This is a 5 week quick cycle focusing on the snatch and clean & jerk leading us up to max attempts/lifts on the day of August 4th. There will be plenty of work on the classic lifts and mixing in pulls, powers, and hang lifts as well.

This cycle will constitute work Monday through Thursday, rest on Friday and full lifts with heavy attempts on Saturday. There will be a good bit of Met-Cons mixed in to prepare for Aug 4th.

heavy athletics
A. Snatch; (70%-80%)/3 x 5
B. Snatch Pull; (add 10% to your final snatch)/4 x 4
C. Pause Back Squat; (pause for 3-5 seconds in the bottom of the squat, 4 x 3

feel out weights for each exercise that are challenging but not max efforts

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