Monday – 5/25/2015 – TTT

A. 1RM Back squat 385 – this ties an old PR from 3 years ago. Anything above 365 for me today was going to be a moral victory, which was my most recent testing. With this I did underestimate where I was going to be and took too much time hitting sets and reps that were a lower percentage. Better planning and trust in myself confident I could have hit 390, 395 would’ve been a stretch. So just took too much time getting there, 400+ is a short term goal and I feel this is realistic and possible in the short term. 
B. Max reps @ 85% at a 30X1 tempo

5 reps. 

Last time I tested my NME I only got 3 reps and that was with a 365 squat. 
C. C2B ladder of unbroken reps of



Going into this piece I am aware that my pull up volume is down and gymnastics overall is a weakness. However, I was pretty bummed out and disappointed with my effort here. Wish I would have filmed this to go back and analyze my work to rest ratio here. Could foresee in the round of 6 that every set after was going to be a fight. Rounds 8 and 10 were the hardest. I know this will get better but still feel like I let myself down a little. 
D. 10×3 banded face pulls


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