Wednesday – 7/22/2015 – TTT

Leaving for LA to the Games today so I needed to get my work in early. Might not be able to get my skill work in today other than some handstand holds, l-sits on the floor, frog stand and planche progressions etc. also might not be able to get any work in on Friday or Saturday either.

A1 – Strict press @ 31X2 x 3-4, rest 90 sec
135 x 4 x 3, 140 x 4 x 1
Almost could bit control the The negative at the 140 on rep 3 but fought for #4 mostly because it was the last one.

A2 – Bent over supinated BB rows x 6-8, rest 90 sec x 4
135 x 8 x 1, 145 x 8 x 3


B1 – Wtd dips x 3-4, rest 60 sec
53 across for 4

B2 – Archer pullups x 3-4/hand, rest 60 sec x 4
These were tough. After the first round did all as singles and was better quality and could do the negative as well.


C – Reverse wtd bear crawl x 30 sec, 90 sec rest x 6
Broke the rules and Used a weighted vest today and I could faster, further and harder and it sucked way more. In the 3rd round I had to stop and take a quick break to “check the clock”. Avg distance covered was 60ft and change


D – Airdyne 15 sec HARD, 45 sec slow spin x 10, rest walk 5 min x 2
Hung around upper 700 lower 800. AirDyne is listening back up, still felt it was a ton of leg drive to get the watts right there instead of just a huge output. Will recalibrate the AirDyne again next week and it should be perfect for the appropriate suck. Still was tough and challenging today though.

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