Tuesday- 8/4/2015 – TTT 


Row 1000m @ Z2, rest 2 min off rower x 4
Done – fasted


A – Snatch balance x 2, 6 sets, rest 90 sec. work on speed of lockout, stay in bottom of catch for 2 sec each rep
145 across


B – E2MOM x 5

10 Power snatches @ 75lbs

30 DU’s
Avg time :42-:47
Playedvwith various mechanics of power snatch to muscle snatch etc


C1 – Seated Z-press x 6-8, rest 90 sec
30 x 8, 40 x 8
Liked these, I feel better overhead but still a little fight for good position overhead

C2 – AMRAP supinated strict pullups +25lbs, rest 90 sec
These were more mental fatigue that anything. Don’t think I left a ton of reps out there and also was really controlling the negative.


D – Scap shrugs from support position on dip bar – 6-8 reps x 3, rest as needed

8 reps on all sets. held eqch position for a good 1-2 count. focus on good hollow body position throughout.

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