Wednesday- 9/9/2015 – TTT 

Played around with my calories today and went a little higher carb in the am than normal. Energy felt good, but a little too much bread, so going to keep playing with some thugs here.

AMRAP 5 min

Unbroken sets of 10 C2B pullups
6 (+1)
I know I only did +1 round better in the extra minute but I will say I felt more efficient and fluid today. I wore gloves to protect my hands and this effected my grip a little. Endurance held out longer, without glove/grip issues and not tearing (which I tore off a callus even through the gloves) I could have got into another round, maybe not completed a full set of 10 unbroken before time being up but at least a few in. Today is the first day I have felt some improvement here, but still a long way to go.

rest 2:30 min

AMRAP 5 min

Unbroken sets of 20 wallballs
5 (+1)
I know due to work:rest ratio it’s pretty hard to pick up another extra round so just focused on finding different hand positions and during and in between reps that felt more comfortable and which position conserved more energy in my arm, back and shoulders.

rest 2:30 min

AMRAP 5 min

Unbroken sets of 40 DU’s
7 (+1 – debatable whether I got rep 40 done in time)
Was pretty smoked going into this round and each round was more of a mental fight.

rest 2:30 min

4 min row for cals (increased volume in other movements, but i want you to have the goal from last week to beat here, you know what pace you have to hold, you know that you’ll be more tired when you get here, but dial it in and make it happen)
77 (+3)
Min 1 – 1168 cal/hr – 19???
Min 2 – 1075 cal/hr ?????
Min 3 – 1013 cal/hr 54 cal
Min 4 – 1410 cal/hr 77 cal
I was pretty smoked going into this piece, and Doug math while I was going was trying to hold on from minute 1 – 3, tried to maintain to make a hard push. At the 3 min mark was physically spent but knew I had a chance. Visualized that I had to be 74 to go to the games and picked up my stroke rate to 27 and sold it with everything I had.

+ Rest 10+ min (more like 30 minutes after that last minute of rowing)

B – Fat grip deadlift Hold ALAP @ 155lbs, rest 3 min x 4.
:50 – :41 – :38 – :39

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