Tuesday – 11/10/2015 – TTT


25 min swim, alternate strokes as comfortable, but try to stay moving
Done! Wasn’t able to keep moving the whole time but got comfortable with different strokes and big chunks of time.


A – Strict HSPU cluster 10.8.6 x 4, rest 30 sec/4 min
Got all reps completed. Rested closer to 5 minutes b/t Set 2 and 3. Last Set got 10 pretty solid, then rep 8 of 8 was a grind. Rep 5 of 6 was a grind and 6 of 6 felt like it took 3 seconds to lock out.


B1 – 6 strict pullups, rest 5 sec

B2 – 6 kipping pullups, rest 10 sec

B3 – 15 C2B pullups for time, rest 4 min x 3 sets
17-18 (lost butterfly at rep 14)-20 – swimming had a big effect on my upper body pulling capacity?


C – AMRAP 8 min

3 squat cleans @ 225lbs

6 ring dips

24 DU’s
ton of muscle fatigue today, think the swimming spent a ton of energy, not a ton of pop on the cleans but felt I moved through them consistently. My respiration was much higher than I anticipated and was somewhat of a limiter.


D – 30 sec AB tough pace, 90 sec easy spin x 5 had to count my own RPM’s, but didn’t start until midway through round 1 so effort as follows ???-44-45-44-45

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