Monday – 11/9/2015 – TTT

A – 2 thrusters @ 185lbs EMOM x 10
Felt good here. Did power clean then thruster for the 1st 5 and then squat clean thruster for the last 5.


B – DB snatch – 16 alternating reps AFAP, rest 3 min x 3


C – EMOM x 24

Min 1 – 30 sec AMRAP burpee MU’s
3-3 + 1 Burpee. Trying to minimize time on the rigs – 3 – 3

Min 2 – 30 sec air bike @ 85%

Min 3 – 30 sec AMRAP box jump step down @ 24in

Min 4 – 30 sec row @ 1400cal/hr
Having a hard time damper if the output to get to 1400, stayed b/t 1443-1550
3rd round dialed it in a little better. Spm was around 26. Same for round 4, but was even closer and spm was around 27/28

Min 5 – 30 sec hollow body hold
I know I told you only my calves were sore, now I’m going to tell you OUCH!!!! My abs are too. Worst part of the day.

Min 6 – Rest


D – Banded glute bridge hold 40 sec on, 80 sec rest x 5

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