Tuesday – 2/2/2016 – TTT

A – Squat clean cluster from high blocks – 1.1 x 5, rest 20 sec/2 min
B – Front Squat – 5,5,3,3,1. Rest 3 min
Open workout 11.1
7 rounds
Finished the last power snatch right before time expired. I know that moral victories don’t really mean shit but I had some good feelings leaving this one. Had a plan to pace and start a round every 1:20. Missed a double under in round 3 so I knew this would throw that plan off just a little, but was okay with pushing that pace to try and catch up. Round 4, broke the snatches into 6/5/4, just felt tons of fatigue in the lats and shoulders. Didn’t take a ton of rests between mini sets but could have shaved a little (I did video so let me know if you want to see). Breathing was high and under congestion but was completely cool with letting it happen, a step forward for me here. Was at 5 rounds in and wanted to get 7, stayed same pace with round 6 and then unbroken on snatches to finish round 7, told myself dropping the bar was not an option.

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