Wednesday – 2/3/2016 – TTT

3 sets, start a set every 3:30
8 power cleans @ 155lbs
75 sec row @ 1k pace

All cleans tng finishing at or around 17 seconds
3 sets, start a set every 3:30 min
12 C2B pullups
75 sec row @ 1k pace
Other than the pull ups making the row a little easier I was counting my row strokes instead of watching the screen and paying attention to pace. This just took my mind to a different place more than anything.

I did 15 pull ups instead of 12, whoops, my bad. Was a push but stayed consistent at 17/16 seconds
4 sets, not for time
15 GHD situps
15sec/side single leg sorenson hold
right side was a fight, left side was tough but not a fight. But holy shit these were tough.

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