Wednesday – 11/30/2016 – TTT

A – Squat clean x 6-8 singles, rest 3 min (go by feel on loading, if energy feels good then build to tough single, if feeling slow or weak today then find a load that challenges but maintains form)


Should’ve found a load to stay at today, pull felt decent but squat felt a little tired. 


Front squat speed ladder for time (take each lift from ground)

2 reps each @






Cheated a little today in that I Got to set up 4 barbells. The 2nd squat at 245 made me not want to pick up 265 right away. Waited a little, set up, almost lost it pulling under, was patient and grinder through the 1st squat. 


Every 90 sec x 5 rounds

Odd sets – 15 GHD situps

Even sets – 50ft bear hug carry + 5 squats (sandbag/slamball, tough)
set 4 of GHD’s was where I felt the cycle time slow down a little. 

Finally got to use something legit for the beer hug. 100lb d-ball, Could feel upper back wanting to round from the awkward bear hug, so worked on that good position. 

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