Monday – 12/18/2017 – TTT

A1 – 1-arm hang KB snatches x 5/side, rest 45 sec
Was the first time in a long time snatching 2 pood overhead, it felt a little foreign but got better and started to gain a lot more comfort as I went.
A2 – Reverse bear crawl with banded KB drag x 30 sec, rest 90 sec x 4
50 roughly averaging 25-30ft each time. Went with straight legs and man this was tough
B1 – Empty bar OH walking lunge x 12 steps, rest 45 sec
B2 – V-ups x 8-10 reps, rest 90 sec x 3
My v-ups are a work in progress
C1 – Seal crawl x 50ft (active hollow and protraction), rest 1 min
So tough
C2 – Single leg sorenson hold x 10-12 sec/leg, rest 1 min x 3 sets
Feel so much stronger on the left leg than the right
D – Legs only AB 1 min, arms and legs AB 1 min x 5 sets, steady pace

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