Tuesday – 12/19/2017 – TTT

Before starting this day I thought you had extremely high confidence in me in my ability to move fast on burpees and then I surprised myself.

12 bar facing burpees @ 93% effort, new set every 2:30 x 3 (sets should be around 30-32 sec at this intensity, sustainable but deliberate)
10 burpee box jump overs @ 24in, new set every 3 min x 3 (sets around 36-40 sec)
8 dbl DB burpee box step over @ 50/hand to 20in box, new set every 3 min x 3 (sets around 40-44 sec)
Found a cadence to be way more efficient.
E4MOM x 4 sets
Row 50 cals
50 DU’s
3:30 (for starters kind of forgot I had 4 sets instead of 3 until just seconds before it was time to go. Also rowing mechanics discipline broke down with 20 cals to go in set 3, and work hard to mentally focus to dial them back in the last 10 cals.

accumulate 50 GHD situps and 25 GH raises for quality, not for time

I owe you these on Wednesday. Unusual time crunch today.

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