Saturday – 6/16/2018 – TTT

A – Clean and jerk singles x 6 tough sets, rest as needed, keep quality high


Was pretty stoked about hitting the last 2 lifts, it’s been a while. The jerk today felt way more solid than the clean did. My back felt a little tired from yesterday.
B – Front squat cluster – 3.3.3 x 3, rest 30 sec/3 min


That 275 almost buried me and took all my lunch money.
For time
100 DU’s
50 back squats @ 135lbs from floor
100 DU’s
50 bar facing burpees
100 DU’s


Most of the time was spent on the burpees. Wanted to go fast but just couldn’t make myself. Only on a few of the reps did I feel any discomfort. I even broke the middle dubz in hope of saving some gas in the tank and try to push the burpee. The good thing is we can probably get a little more exposure on the burpee because the pain was minimal.


Was tired and felt pretty drained after this day. Think I’m going to slow adjust some small tweaks in my food consumption. I need more carbs.

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