Saturday – 7/14/2018 – TTT

workout # 6

10-8-6-4-2 power clean

50 dubz

amrap muscle up in remaining time


28 muscle ups

could’ve gone way faster on the couplet, small tng sets, tried to keep heart rate relative

muscle ups all sets of 2’s, wanted a lot more, but this is a pretty high volume for not having much exposure to them until 4-5 weeks ago so I can’t be too upset. as the time started to expire pushed the pace a little bit, had I been more patient could’ve gotten a few more reps. 

workout #5


5 deadlifts @ 225

10 t2b

15 wall ball @ 20


orginally I planned on breaking up the t2b from the beginning, then almost last minute I decided to go for it and see what the fuck happened. All unbroken until the last round, I no repped myself on the first t2b in the last round and mentally thought that “11” unbroken would be tough, then resorted to singles. overall never really came out too hot, had a really good warm up and wish I would’ve pushed the pace a little more.

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