Monday – 12/24/2018 – TTT

HS walk skill

Wrist rocks from quadruped x 5/position (fingers forward, sideways, backwards)

Fingertip walk from quadruped x 5/side

Inchworms x 40ft



Partner assisted HS kick up into lean into pirhouette/walk – 12 reps for quality, rest as needed (two options for this, wall facing – and freestanding –

Didn’t know if I would have enough time to get everything in so only did 7 reps or so


6 sets of 3 strict banded HSPU, rest as needed (

8 sets of 4 strict flat HSPU, rest as needed

Not at normal gym so had to try and find a set up comparable to what I used last week. Settled on something that was the perfect challenge and knocked them out.


8 sets

Row 15 cals

10 lateral burpees over rower

rest 90 sec, goal of getting faster with each set

1:15 – 1:14 – 1:13 – 1:12 – 1:05 – 1:00 – :55 – :54

So i took it too heart to get faster each round – could’ve pushed the burpee faster in the beginning – first 5 sets on rower made myself stay around 1400 cal/hr on rower and dipped into 1500 a little. Then sets when 1700 – 1800 and held 2000 on the first 10 cals and dipped to 1800, just couldn’t hold the 2000. From set 5 on really tried to speed up the cycle time of burpee. Feel pretty pleased here as I felt in the past 2 weeks I have struggled to getting that gear back but this last week or so feeling things are getting back to where they should be. Eating good, warming up better, still need to improve my sleep a little more but pretty happy overall.


5 sets of bent knee hollow body hold, rest to recovery, during rest breaks do 2-3 iterations of segmental cat camel


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