Wednesday – 12/26/2018 –

For time

10 squat clean thrusters @ 155lbs

20 box jump overs @ 24in

30 chest to bar

40 wallballs

150 DU’s

40 dbl DB front squats @ 50/hand

30 toes to bar

20 box jump step downs @ 24in

10 OHS @ 155lbs



This was about the ballpark time i had anticipated for myself. Decent warm up, got heart rate elevation but not enough spikes or CNS prep/activation. Had to hit it early, not at home, and not my normal breakfast.


Had a shitty double under day, not sure what’s going on.

Thrusters were about 1 rep every 8-9 seconds but then right out the gate the box jumps sky rocketed my heart. C2b was 8/8/8/6, walk balk 16/14/10

Dubz – have no clue how many breaks and most were early on, before I got to 75. Never panicked or lost my cool but definitely lost a lot of time here. Even sat my rope down and walked away to stay under control. TTb all 5’s with seemingly quick breaks on most. Ohs UB

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