Tuesday – 1/1/2019 – TTT

60 AB cals @ 90% effort, should be tough but barely sub max

new set E7MOM x 3-5 sets as able to maintain finish times within 10 sec of first set






Did this at home so it was on an AirMill Xebex bike – still not sure the accuracy and carryover of the metrics but I’m sure it can’t be too far off. There is no RPM measurement so unable to give accurate RPM to wattage metrics either.

First set I watched the wattage the whole time and was thinking about keeping it sustainable but was cloer to 85% than 90. On second set I just went, went hard, and stayed closer to proper simulus, didn’t watch monitor until close to done. Same for 3rd set and felt in between 2 and 3 was about spot on for desired effort.

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