Wednesday – 1/2/2019 – TTT

A – Clean x 3/Jerk x 1, less than 15 sec rest bt cleans, rest 3 min x 4 working sets


Not sure how little sleep I had last night, but it wasn’t much and I was pretty exhausted so these felt super heavy on cleans. Jerks didn’t feel as crisp at 265.


4 rounds for time

30 wallballs

20 C2B pullups

10 dbl DB burpees @ 35/hand


Some good things happened and some bad things happened. First off, I over estimated the total volume of pull ups and went into this with an extremely conservative approach. I felt I had decent pacing, but I videoed the last round and it was evident that I took way too much rest bt sets on my wall balls. I did the first round unbroken and for some reason I decided to break the rest of them up in order to preserve the pull ups. Pull ups i did 4 sets of 5 on the first 3 rounds. I feel I had quick turnover bt sets but not completely sure. So going into last round I decided I wanted to see if I could do all 20 pull ups unbroken. Done and pretty happy about that. Last 10 reps on db burpee went as fast as I could go. So other than being too conservative in this I am happy with the endurance on the last round of pull ups. Definitely too much strategy and breaking things up. I should no better on wall balls but was just not feeling it today as far as embracing the pain.


Row 100 cals easy effort, < 24 strokes/min


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