Friday – 1/4/2019 – TTT

A1 – KB bottoms up screwdriver x 4/side (

A2 – (Bottoms up KB snatch into bottoms up KB high windmill) x 5/side

A3 – KB drag throughs from front plank x 5/direction (press straight arm actively into floor during drag through to maintain scapular tension)

A4 – Band resisted single arm DB rows x 8/side, rest as needed x 2 sets



For time


Row cals

Box jump overs @ 24in

AB cals

1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50lbs


For all of the fatigue from Wednesday, today I feel pretty good. My goals going into this were to not let the box jumps eat my lunch. So went through a good warm up. Row, tried to keep it above 1400 cal/hr, did so in all but the round of 15, but fought to keep that round above 1300. Box jump, never let myself take any extra steps away from the box at all. Bike was 400+ watts, it took me about 8-12 sec to get there but when I got there stayed there consistently. Originally I was going to break the db snatch, but when I got into it, I thought why, you can just slow down, breath while db is overhead.


Bent knee tucked hollow body hold with alternating single leg hip extensions (picture dead bugs but try to keep a SUPER tight midline during the static holds), 8/side x 3 sets, rest as needed while going through some cat/camel iterations from quadruped

Much harder than the just bent hold. Good stuff.

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