Wednesday – 1/16/2019 – TTT

Why do you not like me, this was horrible but I loved it

Every 8 min x 3 sets
Row 1k
5 burpee bar MU
10 dbl DB step overs (50/hand, 24in)
6:24 – 6:18 – 6:23

Every 8 min x 3 sets
60 cal AB
5 BBJO @ 30in
10 dbl DB devil press @ 50/hand
6:38 – 6:00 – 7:24

This was by far the hardest w/the burpee always being tough after the bike, more so due to the height and devils press being so aptly named

Every 8 min x 3 sets
Ski erg 800m
5 heavy sandbag ground over shoulder
15 dbl DB front squats @ 50/hand
4:51 – 5:08 – 4:59

The sandbags were a grind, and the squats were a gut check

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