Wednesday – 9/4/2019 – TTT

Part 1:

A. Squat snatch; accumulate 4-8 singles @75+% 1rm; rest as needed

175-185×4, 195×3

B. Squat clean and jerk; accumulate 4-8 singles @75+% 1rm; rest as needed

225×4, 245×1

C. Back squat; 3×3; rest as needed


Part 2:

1-2 sets

10 power clean and jerk AFAP 135/95#

15 deadlift AFAP 315/220#

as needed to recovery


I had to bring the bar back down to my shoulder from overhead as going straight from overhead to the ground hurt the shoulder just a little bit. This made the time take a little longer. And I should’ve picked the deadlift bar upright away but at that weight I got intimidated. As soon as I did my first rep I got it in my mind I was going to break it up in 3 sets. I did 6, dropped and rested a little longer then picked it up and decided to fight and grind it out and then did 9. I was happy with that. 


1-2 sets:

40 wall ball

10 front squat 225/155#

rest as needed to recovery


What life was in me, this one set took the rest of the life out of me. I gamed the wall ball way too much, took several planned breaks but I wanted to try the quick drop and hands on right away. I was tired in general after the wall ball and first rep of the front squat I decided I’m not putting the bar down, I do not want to do another clean, the only way I’m breaking is if I miss a rep. Happy to grind this one out too, but I’m sure the stimulus was intended a little different 

Part 3:

1 min amrap strict pull ups

rest 30 sec

2 min amrap bar muscle up

rest 30 sec

3 min amrap TTB


Doing this with someone else was the perfect recipe. I did strict pull ups all in 4’s, BMU in 3’s and all the good positions I normally have in gymnastics work, I did not have because of the fact that I was on the clock with someone else forced me to rush movements instead of focus on mechanics, this was a good reminder for me to stay focused on good position and trust in what you do, especially when breathing was high. TTB did in 5’s and felt the breakdown happen around rep 30 when I started to just chip away. 

I was pretty under fueled for today, and a little tired. I learned some good stuff with myself today, I just need to make sure it carries over in other similar scenarios.

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