Wednesday – 9/11/2019 – TTT

Part 1: Frustratingly Slow vs Pump City

For time: 

3 rounds: 

8 DB power clean 50/35#

12 kipping hspu

3 rounds 

8 DB power clean

12 strict hspu

3 rounds:

8 DB power clean

72 hs walk (12 feet lanes. 6′ unbroken minimum increments)

* 20 min cap

Only finished one round of handstand walks @ time cap

I actually surprised myself with the strict hspu, I don’t remember exactly the finish time of that couplet but I believe it was around 11 minutes, first round of strict did all 3’s, 2nd round I did 3-3 and 2’s to finish, 3rd round I did a mix of 2’s and 1’s. I could’ve pushed the pace a little more here but I wanted to not risk failure, and I wasn’t as close as I was fearing I was. When I got to the handstand walk I fell apart. Several attempts I couldn’t even get the minimum 6ft. It was positioning, I had the habit of trying to overextend at the hips/core

Part 2: TTB Test

100 TTB for time 

* 8 min cap


Started out from jump doing 5 reps every 20sec, around the rep range of 50-60 I took a set off, and then started taking a few sets off here and there because I could feel position and capacity being stretched. Around rep 80 hands had the separation and blood blister forming. Fought through for one more set of 5 then did a few 3’s. I knew time was getting close so I did some really quick singles and wanted to switch back to a few bigger sets but I just couldn’t control the negative and switch back 

Part 3: What Strength Can You Muster Now?

A. Thruster; 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min

165-185-215 (might have had a few more pounds in the tank)

B. Overhead squat; 3×3; rest 2 min


C1. Front squat; 10 reps @50-60% 1rm AFAP x3; rest 2 min

165 – got really uncomfortable here and pushed up and down with a consistent cycle time. Even when the burn set in and got hot I didn’t pause at the top to take a break. Pushed through.

C2. Deadlift; 3×3; rest 2 min

275-295-315 – wish I had gone a little heavier for my last set

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