Saturday – 9/14/2019 – TTT

AMRAP 12 min

12 chest to bar pullups

25ft HS walk

8 bar facing burpees

25ft HS walk

then from min 12 to min 18

6 min to find a shoulder to overhead double from rack



Knowing the handstand walk was going to be my limiter I did all pull ups unbroken and pushed the pace of the burpee, and of course the burpee number being so low. Couple of worthy notes here. Did this in the garage, which means I have plenty of headspace to do c2b pull ups, but when warming up for them I was skeptical, just with a claustrophobic feel. I think this helped as the rounds went on, because that feel that my head my hit the ceiling or feet hit the wall, so I got to tighten up the kip as I went on and on. In the long run I could see the visuals that can improve the efficiency here. No use of a straight 25ft walk, so it had to be broken up halfway. This did hurt in the long run as everytime I came down I wasn’t as quick to kick up and go back to finish the distance. I do feel in the past that just exposure in various ways improved my handstand walking and that’s twice this week and I plan on getting touches in warm ups from here on out once or twice a week. Just really feel out of practice, and as today went, when I went to overextend at my low back I could feel it and would consistently try to correct it. I was able to correct it but would still default to that overextension. So that will get better. 

As far as the overhead went, I missed a lift @ 225, I got the first rep and then missed the 2nd, I had a brain fart in the middle and couldn’t decide if I was going to power or split jerk it and landed in the inefficient beginners mix of the 2. From the overextension in the handstand walk I could feel that in my low back when doing the shoulder to overhead work, this definitely made me take the conservative approach by only getting in 3 lifts. 


50 AB cals @ 90% effort

2:45 — 2:50 — 2:57

rest 2:30 min

50 row cals @ 90% effort, rest 2:30 min x 3 sets

2:15 — 2:19 — 2:23

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