Wednesday – 9/18/2019 – TTT

For time

50 chest to bar pullups

50 kipping HSPU 

25 dbl DB hang squat cleans @ 50/hand 

25 strict HSPU 


C2b done in 15/15/10/10 – rested about 15sec bt sets, in most cases this would definitely be too long, felt good all the way through, maybe one extra set with shorter rest times bt? Kipping hspu – no plan just started going and this would be a bad idea when it mattered …12/10/8 (and this is the point I felt was too big and aggressive for what was ahead), my tell tale is the negatives becoming slower, from there I did I think 3 or 4 smaller sets to finish off the last 18 reps. Db squat clean, wanted to do big sets but I could feel it lighting up my traps and knew this was not what I wanted to feel before the strict hspu so I went with a 5 and then all 4’s. I wish I could remember exactly when I finished these 25 reps to determine how long it took the strict work but it was all done in singles. If I had to guess I was getting about 4 reps per minute on some and 5 on others. Had someone with me and during the last 8-9 reps he was counting me down every 15sec, this was good at this point because I didn’t feel like I was going to fail at that rest time because none of my reps were major grinders. This is a good feeling as an afterthought because that’s when I know I should push that a little more, but that’s only in hindsight.

(All hspu were done to about a ¼” deficit which I know doesn’t create that much of a limitation, I ordered the gymnastics mat and it should be in within a week).


A1 – Squat clean x 1.1.1 @ 235-255, rest 8 sec/30 sec

235 – might have been the heaviest 235 I have ever lifted in my life

A2 – 25 toes to bar, sets must be at least 5 or more, rest 30 sec

25 UB (was a bad idea when I kicked up for the handstand walk, but I’m glad I did it each round)

A3 – 100ft HS walk for time, rest 4 min x 2 sets

I did not see exactly my time to complete the 2 sets of the distance but I worked on good efficiency and felt much better today than the 2 handstand walking pieces last week. Shoulder endurance and breathing after about 50ft is when I notice the faults to be way more, and that is about the time when I can feel the lumbar overextension, I can feel it and fix it for the most part up until 75ft in today’s piece but much harder to fix for the last 25ft from shoulder fatigue.

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