Tuesday – 2/25/2020 – TTT


10 min window (2 scores)

2k row

AMRAP burpees over erg in remaining time

7:09.6 & 35

On the row….this was right about where I had mentally set my goal. I came out a little hot and realized I needed to pull back just a little. My row splits/500 are as follows (1:42.8 – 1:50.9 – 1:51.3 – 1:44.7) – when I settled into my cruise pace in the middle 1000 – I told myself I was not to go any lower than 1:51 – had no real plan going into this other than, if this was a test workout, I probably am not winning any burpee workout so I need to push a little harder than I want to with the row. I started mentally coming up with a plan when I was around 600m to go, and my plan was to hit it hard from 400-200 left, but needed to pick up the pace around 500, and after I picked up the pace, I tried to get it around 1:45 and from there I just decided that I had to go and just figure it out on the burpee and find a way. My initial goal was bt 30-40 burpee – I think I was around 8 burpee in the first minute…..I of course wasn’t moving fast but I wanted to keep moving because I hoped and assumed that my legs would loosen up a little and allow me to pick up the pace just a little. I tried to move steady from the 8min mark to the 9min mark, and then with 1 min left, I feel that is the only time I stopped for a few seconds as I knew I needed to find a way to push hard and was trying to decide when to empty the tank. Should’ve emptied it a little sooner but did with 30seconds left, not sure it would’ve made a big difference in the long run. 


Running clock (3 scores)

0-5 min

Find a 1RM OHS (from rack)


5-15 min

10 min AMRAP

10 chest to bar pullups

15 wallballs @ 30lbs


15-18 min


18-20 min

For time, 2 min CAP

10 cal AB

20 PC/PJ @ 115lbs

10 cal AB

30 reps

Most I have hit on an OHS in a long long time – pretty happy with that. In the c2b/wall ball – goal was about 1 round every 90sec – I accomplished this for the first 3 rounds and could feel I was going to fall off of this pace due to the wall ball. My strategy was to break the wall ball so I could go unbroken on the c2b – did all 60 c2b ub – happy with that, goal was always quick transitions, so I rested to points in the wall ball to allow me to jump to the bar within 6-7 seconds, this might have caused me to break and rest more than needed in wall ball. Also in hindsight, a goal of about 1:45 a round might have helped me out more, and maybe even breaking c2b up more but I wanted to see if i could hit all of them UB. bike took about 25/26 seconds – did singles for the first 10 on PC/PJ, i knew this was not going to allow me to finish as I just couldn’t stay on top of the barbell, then with 10 left I just knew I had to go, talked myself out of dropping the bar several times and hung on for dear life to complete the last 10 ub.

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