Monday – 2/24/2020 – TTT

3 rounds for time

10 squat snatches @ 135lbs

20 kipping HSPU

80 double unders

11:55 – I had a good plan going into this and was trying to think where I could take risks here and backup plans in case that fell through. Was going to be aggressive in the first round of snatch on the first 5-6 reps but when I got into those 5 reps I decided to keep going, don’t think I really slowed down until rep 8 or 9, I think I was done there around 1 minute or slightly over, hspu went 7/7/6 – my goal was to stay around this number and keep my rest pretty linear around 10sec, and then I did decided to break up my dubz, did 50/30…..then into the second round I was extremely surprised how much my traps blew up and almost missed my first 2 reps of the squat snatch because of it. I found a way to still stay aggressive here and tried to keep a rep every 7-8 seconds or so. Going into the hspu I decided to break it up into 4 sets based on the feel of the last set and carryover, 6/5/5/4 and trying to keep that same rest time even though I had an extra set. Broke dubz into 3 sets – don’t have video proof of rest time, but I sat my rope down to one breath and then picked it back up. First snatch once again was tough but tried to stay in the grind and I would mix chunks of reps going about every 7-8 sec and then hands on and go. This round of hspu was the one that took most of the time in the work out, 4/4/6/6 – I rested too long for the sets of 6, instead of staying close to the wall, keep my reps and rest short. Last set of dubz ub.

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