Monday (May the 4th Be With You) – 5/4/2020 – TTT

This was the perfect day for training for a couple of reasons. 

EMOM for 7 min

5 burpees + 2 ring MU

My heart rate got way more elevated than I thought it should’ve here, but I’m assuming the lack of exposure to muscle ups effected me more from me holding my breath. I noticed this in set 2, and tried fixing it as I went and just out of practice. 


EMOM for 7 min

5 dbl DB devil press @ 50/hand

This was perfect because I had a high breathing rate but it was the perfect reminder to be able to still execute a tough movement with high respiration. I kept telling myself this and it was some thoughts I need to hold onto


EMOM for 7 min

8 dbl DB box step over @ 50/hand

I was surprised that this got my heart rate elevated the highest but I was moving intentionally fast with quick steps and turning around. I could feel a little trap/grip fatigue on the 4th/5th set


4 rounds not for time (same)

12-15 banded spanish squats with DB goblet hold

12-15 banded hamstring curls from prone

12-15/side single leg calf raises with extended ROM

4-5/side eccentric only single leg hamstring curl from supine, foot on slider/towel

Did not get all of the 4 rounds in

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