Monday – 5/18/2020 – TTT

AB 1.5 miles

20 pullups

40 pushups

60 squats

AB .75 miles

rest walk 6-8 min x 3 sets, add vest if you want

10:04 – 11:03 – 10:42 – did with a vest, my first time using my new vest and I loved it! Through me off a little bit on the first round trying to find the balance, coordination and center of gravity on every rep. Push ups man, push us…..slowed me down the most in the second round. I honestly didn’t push the bike too hard, tried to stay above 300 watts on the first part, and then the back end a little bit more on the first, 2nd and 3rd just tried to get my sea legs under me and then stay above 330. Air squats were more mental than overall physical at that point.

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