Saturday – 5/16/2020 – TTT

tttTD (HSW/DB/Row)

14:32 – i know this is past the time cap, but lets dive into my struggles. Today was not a good handstand walk day at all. I started the workout and at the 8 min mark I had just completed 150ft and knew there was no way to finish. I was getting extremely frustrated, pissed off, kicking things, just down right pissed so I stopped. Sat and pouted for about 5 min, sat and reflected and breathed deeply for another 10 minutes and decided I was going to restart. This time I just decided I was going to set up markers at 12 ½ feet. There was a certain point I knew I wasn’t going to finish but I didn’t care I was going to finish. I did have to take a 15-20sec break to reset the clock from the time cap. The set up and the problems it creates. I did this in the garage, not sure if some of the slope leading into the driveway, or the cramped quarters in the garage mentally effected me, but what I do know is, if I had to do a comp with a ramp I would fail. There could be some other physical issues that effected me but those would be more excuses than anything, so hs walk just sucked today. I will mess around when I go to the gym this week and see if they are any better in that environment, but it was that reflection that in the old days when we had to do comps in parks, if I didn’t get the right lane I might have been in trouble, and I should be able to have the skill anywhere. 


Bear hug hold – accumulate 5 min @ 150lbs, try to do this as 5x60sec this week

Because it was such a shitty day from the workout I was mentally determined to do 1:15 each set, I did rock back once each set to by myself some leverage mentally and physically, I also rested 2:45 bt sets but knocking this out in 4 sets was my way of at least trying to finish the day on a good note.

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