Tuesday – 5/26/2020 – TTT

HS skill work

Wall walk into lean away and progressive controlled steps away from wall

Kick up to partner spot and static hold then controlled steps forward – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXXIL2NHgNg&list=PL_6Iqj7TQV2PsbWl6uboBnD7gQR05z_KA&index=14


Wall facing HS hold in hollow body, focus on full breath cycles and equal pressure/activation in shoulders – 30-40 sec on, 80-120 sec rest x 5 sets

This was great, the focus on breath cycles and equal pressure put my focus where it should be and my breathing is not ground when my handstand walk volume gets high so loved this


For time

20 ring MU

(5 burpees to start, and 5 more EMOM after)

6:40 (6–3–2–3–2–3 (2/1x)—1 – on the very last set was trying to do a quick 2 drop down and do 2 more, I feel my miss was more because I rushed it and didn’t try and finish my kip by turning over too soon.


For time

60 kipping HSPU (use open standard line for heels if you have someone to watch some reps, if not be strict about lockout)

(20 DU’s to start, and 20 more EMOM after)

7:52 (12&12 then it kind of fell apart) – I have felt a little heavy for the past week or so. Been trying to make sure I have a big breakfast and carb driven. So I’m going to tighten that up a little and try to feel that in. 


Assault bike 90 sec @ 350 watts

AB 30 sec high effort (get up around 550-600 watts)

rest walk 2-3 min x 6 sets as able to sustain this effort

Almost called it on set 5, set 6 the 90 sec was starting to fade off the 350 watts goal, but the 30sec effort for 550-600 was solid

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