Monday – 6/29/2020 – TTT

AMRAP 4 min

50 cal row

40 wallballs @ 30lbs

30 deadlifts @ 185lbs

20 BBJO @ 24in

81 (31 wall ball)

(rest 4 min)

AMRAP 8 min

50 cal row

40 wallballs @ 30lbs

30 deadlifts @ 185lbs

20 BBJO @ 24in

124 (4 bbjo)

(rest 8 min)

For time

50 cal row

40 wallballs @ 30lbs

30 deadlifts @ 185lbs

20 BBJO @ 24in

10:05 – I really wanted to be on the close to same pace as the 8 min interval, but I lost it a little on the row, I lowered my damper a small tick, I knew I was losing power and was hoping that adjustment was going to help a little but regardless my grind pace was not there. During the rest I decided I was going to try quick small sets on both the wall ball and deadlift and my plan was to do 6/6 rest, 6/6 rest, 6/6 rest and then finish and the same rep scheme for the deadlift. Wall ball i executed this well, but after finishing the 24th rep I rested way way longer than I wanted or needed, bt that and the rower that was my big set back. I do feel my deadlift execution was good and stayed pretty true to the 6 5 sec break 6 a little longer break. When I realized I wasn’t going to be on the exact same pace I never panicked or had negative self talk, I stayed focused and wanted to finish sub 10. My transition from deadlift to bbjo wasn’t as fast as I needed it to be, partly due to set up, but I started my first bbjo rep around 8:13 and for the most part I kept a steady pace, I only really rested/broke pace one time and that was around rep 10 because I decided I was going to make a strong push and finish.

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