Friday – 7/3/2020 – TTT

tttTD (Row + dbl DB DT)

8:19 – even in warm up today, I just had a hard time expressing output on the rower, I struggled to ramp up the intensity in the 500 middle portion, I knew this was going to be grippy but grip wasn’t the biggest limiter, it was just the ability to generate power.


Front squat cluster – 3.3.3, rest 20 sec bt 3’s, 3 min after the set x 4 working sets

205×2, 215, 225


Ring MU cluster – 4.3.2, rest 20-25 sec bt clusters, 3 min after the set x 3-4 working sets for quality

The 4th rep on each set was a little off timing and rhythm but all others felt pretty solid with being patient to wait to reopen the hip was my mane focus today

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