Friday & Saturday – 8/7 & 8/8/2020 – TTT

Easy bike, 12 min



Unloaded glute airplanes x 4/side x 3 sets, pause at end range each direction

Done – a little better today but still such a challenge at times 


Lightly loaded side to side KB passes from single leg stance with 30 deg knee flexion x 8/direction/leg x 3 sets (change plate or light KB, pass back and forth in front of you and extend arm to side, then go back in other direction)

I love this – the focus and balance that goes into this make it a huge favorite of mine


Supine leg whips x 4/side x 3 sets, pause at end range, during rest time do standing banded adductions with controlled eccentric x 8-10/side, skinny band

Did some standing banded adductions and actually played around with a side plank high band adduction on a set as well


Side-lying clamshell pressups x 8/side x 3 sets, can use mini band around knees for extra resistance, during rest time do 30 frog pumps with pause at top

Dropped the mini band on my last set as I felt my quality was dipping a little


3x through, not for time

Single leg banded hamstring curls from prone x 10/side into both legs hamstring curls x 15

Reverse plank table top pressup with 3 sec hold at top of each x 6

Piked Knee extensions x 18-20 with good quad squeeze at top (, add band as you’d like to chase a little more pump)

The hamstring and quad pump here are pretty intense. Nice good feeling


Easy bike 12 min



tttTD (metcon into lift)

This was one that I knew if I just focused on making fast quick transitions I was going to blow up real quick real soon, so my goal out the gate was to never fall of a 4sec/burpee – and wanted to try and stay/average around 3sec/rep as much as possible. With that goal I had to be smart about everything else and my thought was instead of trying to manage and coordinate my rest times. I felt the hang power snatch was going to get my heart rate more than the ohs so I wanted to be smart about not getting into the snatch too quick. My transitions from power snatch to burpee were tight and probably averaged around 5-7 seconds. All snatches were unbroken, after burpee probably took about 7 seconds before staring the ohs. And wanted to maintain 75 seconds per round or slightly under for as long as possible. I think I started to feel my burpee pace slow down around round 5, and that was also the round that my splits started stretching to 80-85 seconds. When I looked at the clock at the 10 min mark I was starting a new round and wanted to push to finish 2 hold rounds, I hesitated just a little to pick up the bar around the 11 min mark, and when I dropped into my burpee my bar was moving a little out of control and even had to head butt it to stop it from rolling so that ate up some time for sure and caused bme to possibly not finish the remaining 4 ohs.

Waited for about 90sec and opened my lift at 185, lifts went 185/215/245/275. 275 was a grind and not super clean but nailed it. 


HSW skill work

Accumulate 6-8 sets of 25-35ft, some with limited rest, some on full rest

Did the throwdown at home which also meant not a flat surface to handstand walk on, driveway has a really nice slope so just did 6 sets for quality and tried to hit a couple going up the slant of the driveway which is a huge weakness


Skin the cats on rings x 8-10 controlled reps

Since at home stepped into a german hang

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