Wednesday – 8/12/2020 – TTT

A1. Front Squat; 5 HEAVY reps x 2 sets; rest 20 seconds

205 (quickly regretted going this light)-225

A2. AMRAP UB (-5) Thrusters @ 55% of A1 x 2 sets; rest 3min bw sets

19 @ 115 – 13 @ 125


For time:

100′ DB FRWL @ 50/35#

10 Bar Muscle Ups

20 STOH @ 50/35#

100′ SA OHWL @ 50/35#

20 STOH @ 50/35#

10 Bar Muscle Ups

100′ Farmers Carry Walking Lunge

11:06 – got a little bummed when I saw how long it took me to do the first 100’ walking lunge so I might have got a little greedy on the bmu and did the 10 unbroken, did the sto in 8/8/4 and right into the lunge and really pushed this here and then I started over resting. 3 sets for the sto on the back end and 3 sets on the bmu, grinded out a rep from poor hip pop around rep 7 so I rested too much there and the last carry lunge was all mental and man it was a tough mental challenge as I went 50 turned around and took about 3 steps and rested and was going to rest again but gutted it out. 


10min Row

10min Bike

10min Ski

@ low effort


Shoulder Health Work TBD

done + about 8 minutes of box breathing

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