Saturday – 8/15/2020 – TTT

tttTD (10 min AMRAP, push the transitions here)

8+11 – will watch video later to catch a breakdown of actual transitions. There was only one that was extremely long, I’d say 12-15 sec (upon video review it was 20sec – so my perception was off but not way way off as it often can be) I got chalk and I was smoked and it was at the 7min-ish mark. My original plan of transitions was detailed when the rain came, flooded my station that was a perfect set up and I had to move stations and close the doors. This made a little bit longer transition from double unders to the db. Db snatch was the hardest for me, ttb got groovy as soon as my lats got tired. I really pushed the transition from ttb to dubz, I missed more than normal but I was ok with that because I was trying to waste no time picking up the rope, however I noticed my rope started getting laid down a little further away each time making it harder to have fast transition from the rope to the db’s.

Here are my following transitions



EMOM x 18-24 (3-4x through)

Min 1 – 30 sec alternating pistols

Min 2 – 30 sec heavy bear hug carry

Min 3 – 30 sec axle bar thrusters @ 115lbs

Min 4 – 30 sec heavy farmer carry

Min 5 – 30 sec ring MU

Min 6 – 30 sec HSW (straight shot)

Did the first round as a chipper as I just wasn’t ready to go and didn’t have a ton of time to allow myself to fully recover to execute with high quality and the next rounds on the clock. No access to axle bar

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