Saturday – 9/12/2020 – TTT


81 reps on c2b/fran – I broke up the round of 21 c2b into 12/9 – and in hindsight I wished I would’ve gone for it. In the back of my mind I was a little worried about the pull up volume from Friday training, and was more afraid of what 21 unbroken was going to do to me in the set of 15. Was able to do 15 unbroken, what really got me here was the transition from the 15 thruster to the 15 pull ups, I just really didn’t want to suffer enough to jump up and go for the pull ups. I did have a sense of urgency to pick up the last 9 thrusters and finished with no time to spare. this sense of urgency definitely effected me going into the ascending rep scheme piece.

72 reps – survival was the name of the game here and I had to try and play mental games with myself here just to try and not rest on every single burpee box jump over. I did not have a good warm up, and these are the workouts I fear for in warm ups, I know how much I need to get my heart rate up for them and my desire to really get after in the warm up was ok for one round but not for multiple warm up rounds. overall it was a fun challenge and I really wanted to finish the first part, but got in my own head and had a little bit of self doubt. this also would’ve been a good one to have some mutual suffering with someone.

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