Monday – 9/14/2020 – TTT

AB 10 min building intensity, faster every 2-2:30, ending around threshold effort


AB as long as ‘comfortable’ at ending point of step test from last week

rest walk 90 sec and pick back up until you accumulate 150 cals at that speed

(‘comfortable’ here will mean no compensations in form/posture/breathing/facial expressions, if you feel yourself lose quality of any of those or jsut really having to ‘grind’, then stop and walk)

16:36 on bike – lost overall count of how many sets. Right around 29/31 cals first 2 rounds, assuming the comfortable and all the notes on comfortable meant don’t force the issue, so after the first 2 sets of cals went a little more conservative so that each bout felt sustainable. Only once in the middle round did I give my self a time mark to hit, the rest of them I didn’t look at the time counter and just tried to wait her stare at the wattage or the horizon. 


AB 10 sec ramping sprint (be at a full sprint by the 6 sec mark)

slow spin 2:20 x 4

Was able to get into the low 1300’s by the last split second. Really tried to get higher than that but just couldn’t generate the power today. 


Ido portal squat routine in full

Split the movement work and did this two at home


Thoracic bridge flow x 6-8 min


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