Tuesday – 9/28/2020 – TTT

A1. L Sit Hold; 1min for time x 2 sets; rest 1min

Didn’t really have a sense of urgency with this today for time as I was trying to make sure I kept my toes pointed and above my hips.

A2. Front Lever Tuck Hold; 20 seconds for time x 2 sets; rest 2min

I may not look like Dave Durante here but I feel that I’m somewhat strong and pretty damn close to the position you are supposed to be in


3 Rounds for Time:

21/16 Cal Skierg

50′ HSW

7:20 – had one overriding goal. On any breaks get back into the walks quickly, on the turnarounds, get back into the walks quickly. With that being the goal I didn’t want to push too too hard on the ski, ski first round at 1100 + and the other rounds were a slower start and a finish of around 1100 which only had my ski splits not too far off each other. 


3 Rounds:

1min Row

1min Ski

1min Bike

*Ramp each round from 65% to 85% effort



Every 2min until failure

40 Double Unders

Row Cals in remaining time

Men Start at 10, woman at 6 – add 2 cals every set until failure

Completed the full round of 30cals, and I’m kind of kicking myself after. The round of 30 I barely finished, (footnote of the round of 30 I did not set my rope down to help me start the next round quickly), so with only seconds to spare for finishing the round of 30 it took me a second or so to gather my rope, then getting into the rower I didn’t think I was going to make it so I didn’t worry about coming out too hot just wanted to gather my legs so I could make a strong finish. I finished with 28 row cals, and kicking myself because the 1-2 seconds I lost from grabbing the rope the 10-15 seconds that I didn’t get up to full speed as quickly as possible.


Easy 20min Recovery Jog/Walk/Hike 

It was raining like crazy so this was not going to happen today

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