Saturday – 10/3/2020 – TTT

Throwdown (DL/HSPU/HSW/Cleans)

50ft handstand walk

Took way too much time on the deadlift @ 315, I did 3 right away, 5 and 2, I had 2 reps left and I didn’t pick up the fucking bar right away, it was heavy but not to the point that I couldn’t do it, I just bitched out. Hspu felt pretty decent today. Changed weights during hspu breaks so wasn’t put in a position to come down and kick right back up. 12-8, 12-10-8. I did this much earlier in my day than I normally would (football game to watch) – which this had some positives and negatives, being a little more crunched for time I had to take care of my business in my warm up. The negative is I didn’t get enough reps at 225 squat clean and got zero reps @ 315, in hindsight, wouldn’t have made a huge difference at all, but mentally being a little more prepared might have helped my mindset. Being a little more prepared for 315 I might not have turned into a little bitch, a few of the cleans on 225, I just bottomed out and almost missed the lifts because I couldn’t put the breaks on, and on two of them my right hand came off the bar, luckily I have good squat mechanics so even though losing my right hand it was still in a good position in my rack. Low back was definitely not liking the squat cleans at that portion of the workout. I did do my hs walk in the unbroken increments of 25ft, and I didn’t waste a whole lot of time like I normally do getting back into it, but I knew the clock was running out. I have been accumulating some good handstand walking practice unfatigued in warm ups of late but just need to get where we can move faster. I do think I move so slow on them that it burns me out even more. The first 25ft my back didn’t feel bad, but the last 5ft of the walk my back was not happy and had I had time for another clean it would have been rough. 


Spend some good time decompressing back before leaving

Wall assisted glute bridge

Frog pumps

Empty PVC OHS at slow tempo

Pelvic tilts from quadruped, include some rockbacks


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