Wednesday – 10/7/2020 – TTT

A. Hang Squat Clean and Jerk; 1.1.1 x 4 sets; rest 15-20 sec; rest 2min

225-230-235-245 – this was really good today, after feeling like I was getting buried under the load on saturday this was a good way to focus on getting back on the bar, you know you are going to get some rest so get those breaths in bt cluster reps and focus on speed under and good control and good hip drive for the jerk.

B1. Deadlift; 20 Sec AMRAP @ 315lbs x 3 sets; rest 20 seconds

7-6-6 – these didn’t feel terrible today, I’m just slow

B2. K HSPUs; 20 Sec AMRAP x 3 sets; rest 20 seconds


B3. HSW: 75′ AFAP x 3 sets; rest as needed

2:09-1:55-2:16 this combo kind of made me dizzy today and was pretty close to calling it for the day after the last set of hs walk. But powered on and just told myself all you have to do is just move for quality and figure it out as you go. 


50′ FRWL

10 DB Power Cleans

1min AMRAP Bar Muscle Ups

50′ FRWL

10 DB Power Cleans


rest 5min


8&9 and bmu and 19&22 on TTB – I was so dizzy and not feeling good at all and the db power clean in the first round kind of sent me to a feeling like poop state, so I grinded through the first set of muscle ups. On both bmu and ttb my goal was to get my 1 minute clock starting as fast as possible with a quick transition and just chip away. Felt a little better on second round as I was getting closer to normal.

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