Friday – 10/9/2020 – TTT

EMOM x 30

Min 1 – AB 15 cals

Min 2 – 6 bar facing burpees + 12 air squats

Min 3 – 3 KB high windmills/side

So I kind of went ham on this today. Had a friend who wanted to train with me today. There is no way in the world I could keep up with him one on one on the bike so it was a good match. In the back of my mind I was thinking how could I maximize energy and efficiency on the bike and I on round 1 it was about 45 seconds, after that all bike cals were done around 30 seconds. Tried to keep 1000+ for 8-12 seconds and then tried to keep 700 until 12 cals and throttle down in the 300’s  to finish. And then he was trying to beat me on burpee and I was not going to let that shit happen. Super fun day to just get out of my comfort zone. With going so hard I sat down on the rower and rowed 500m and it was hard as hell to keep it below 2:10 so I decided to rest a few hours and come back and finish row later. 


Row 3k @ 2min/500m pace

Much better with the rest. 


5 min box breathing @ 3 sec in, 6 sec out tempo

This was perfect. Did 3363 and wanted to get 20 break cycles in and probably extended some of my holds and went for 6 minutes

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