Saturday – 10/10/2020 – TTT

Throwdown (DP/BJO/Clean)

6:20 & 285 – the round of 9 is the only one I feel my speed per rep slowed down on the burpee box jump over, my goal was quick transitions, and keep moving, even if I slowed down on my burpee just keep moving with good footwork. All DP unbroken, just feel I’m a little slower in my speed per rep, I did play with different ways to get to the ground as quickly as possible, the ones that felt the fastest I had the least control of the db and most of the time was ok was too much of a risk though if I lost the db. With the clean I opened at 245, hit 265, missed 285 on my first attempt, it was heavy but I let it pull me forward slightly and I didn’t trust my hang position, the position I had used in my warmup and the other reps, I rushed the hang position and didn’t trust what got me there but on the second attempt I trusted it and had to grind in the bottom for a bounce or 2 and then stood it up.


Spend some good time decompressing back before leaving

Wall assisted glute bridge

Frog pumps

Empty PVC OHS at slow tempo

Pelvic tilts from quadruped, include some rockbacks


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