Wednesday – 10/14/2020 – TTT

Last night time got away from me and I didn’t even start to wind down until past normal time, so it laid to a lot less sleep than normal on tuesday night. That led to no sense of urgency to put the hammer down and really grind and get after it today. 

A1. DB Power Clean; 30 reps for time x 1 set; rest 1min

A2. TTB; 50 for time x 1 set

Db power clean in 1:30, 3 sets, just wasn’t feeling it here., TTB went for 30 as on the updated DSGN board it had for 30. Had a been closer to a 7 or 8 out of 10 I would’ve gone for the 50 you had written. Sets were 16/7/7 for 1:19


For Time:

100′ DB FRWL

20 Bar Muscle Ups

2:38 for 15 bmu + 5 more for accumulation – just felt slow on the walking lunge, also didn’t warm it up much at all, muscle up was 7 and 8 and they actually felt really good and circumstantially would’ve rested longer and used being tired as an excuse but just said hey jump up there and lets see if you can finish. 

+ (rest as needed

For time


KBS @ 70lbs

HSPUs (any style)


100′ HSW for Time

8:04 – was super super conservative on the couplet, I feel like I did this a long time ago and remember even then it blowing up my traps so was more afraid what that was going to do for the handstand walk and wanted to have high quality on the walk. I might have sacrificed some time for the conservative approach, so at least the handstand walk went well with a breakdown of  35/15/45/5 ft

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