Saturday – 11/14/2020 – TTT

tttTD (2 parter, AMRAP into ladder)

Self inflicted previous night so I knew today wasn’t going to be as smooth as normal. It wasn’t that I had more cocktails then I would at a martini and craft brew gathering, I did not hydrate enough to off set this break from routine. 448 – from jump I decided I wanted to go unbroken on the first set of dubz….I have only hit the 200/200+ mark once. I got semi excited and clipped at 196, after that i missed the next rep attempt on 2 occasions. But traps/shoulders felt blown up, deadlifts of course could be managed around that but shoulders and grip could tell were going to be a factor even more so than anticipated. I knew the step overs would be my proverbial achilles heel, so I planned on breaking them up a lot. I do not like step ups or overs and they do not like me but I tried to get uncomfortable and I did just rested too much on my breaks. I was suffering at this point and just was trying to get big sets with dubz and just wasn’t willing to endure that much pain. The bar @ 245 felt much easier than the 225, I hit the 3rd rep of 275 as time expired, would not have counted but was happy even not feeling spry and feisty that I could hit all the reps @ 275.

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