Friday – 11/13/2020 – TTT

Snatch/burpee gauntlet

Every 90 sec until failure (60 sec window to lift/burpee, 30 sec window to change weight)

1 squat snatch + 6 bar facing burpees + 1 squat snatch

**Bar starts at 135, build by 10/round through 185, then up by 5 from there

Called it at 195, just felt some upper body/thoracic and shoulder stability that felt like it was off. I also didn’t get a thorough energy system and felt way more heart rate response than I was anticipating. I will also say that when looking at this on paper I thought 60 seconds would be plenty of time and coming back to that second lift, there was plenty of time but to gather myself, create some good tension and control my breath. It caught me off guard. 


3 rounds for time

3 rope climbs

6 squat snatches @ 155lbs

18 bar facing burpees

11:42 – so I had a couple of goals here, 1st was goal of doing burpee in 70 seconds or less, and accomplished that and I’m pretty excited for that. Was also super excited with rope climbs because now that we have full fledge ropes and have been wanting to try some new rope climb foot clamps, that was good and picked it up well just wasn’t as smooth yet as I need to be but the biggest difference was the descent. The one thing I did on all transitions here was try and have less than 5 sec transitions, but wasn’t as fast on sq/snatch as I wanted to be. Round 2 and 3 was sub 60 on burpee, my burpee speed might have effected the rope climb more than the sq/snatch but still was happy with this. I also had a good insight from this, this workout and others, when I have one rep left of a big movement, like 1 rope climb or 1 sq/snatch I didn’t have that killer instinct today, and I know that has happened in the past with deadlifts as well. I loved having this discovery and the self awareness to realize this. This could be a big step in the future with finishing some workouts harder.

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